Earn with BUST
The many ways to earn by buying, holding and staking BUST
There are multiple ways to earn with BUST, and although this info is spread around the GitBook, we thought it best to summarize it all in one place. For starters, here is a list of the multiple revenue streams of the BUSTA platform:
  • iGaming House Edge
  • DEX Transaction Tax
  • Partner token fees
From there, we have various automated and manual methods of using that revenue to increase the value of the BUST token and the overall performance of the BUSTaBNB platform.
Burns and Liquidity Acquisition and Lockup A percentage of the platform revenue goes to buying BUST from the open market then burning some and also creating liquidity pairs with BUST-BNB and BUST-BUSD and permanently locking those pairs in our liquidity pools. This adds buy pressure and decreases the circulating token supply, perpetually increasing the value of the BUST token.
Staking Rewards From day one you will be able to stake your BUST tokens to earn either BUST, BNB, or both, from our initial staking reward contracts. On top of that though, our automated revenue distribution system will also add additional staking rewards from a percentage of the platform revenue. Meaning that although you may join a staking pool with a specific daily yield, that yield can increase dramatically depending on the trading and playing volume on the platform.
Play our games Initially, BNB is the only playable token in our iGaming platform, but shortly after launch we will include BUST and partner tokens. Once BUST is added as a playable token, you will be able to earn BUST by playing our games.
Play the market Think you can trade with the best? Buy low, sell high! Just remember the 4% transaction tax on trades.
Last modified 4mo ago
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